Aerial Yoga Privates with Our Founder
Practice with Carmen Curtis, the visionary creator and founder of AIReal Yoga. Experience Carmen’s expertise, personalized guidance, and one to one support.
Get one on one time to work on anything you want with Carmen Curtis, the founder of aerial yoga. Get expertise, personalized guidance, and unwavering support. Discover the joy of a practice that meets you where you are to work on anything you’d like.
Train With Carmen
A Tailored Experience from AIReal educator and thought
leader Carmen Curtis.
After you book Carmen will reach out to set up a time that works for both of you.
Private Sessions Tailored to Your Needs
Flexible Options for Your Convenience
Unlock Your Potential
A Resource for Teachers

Experience Carmen’s Unmatched Credentials
Our Ethos : Make the pose meet your body
Train With Carmen
A Tailored Experience from AIReal educator and thought
leader Carmen Curtis.
Get in touch and we will send an intake form to get started.